Thursday, January 01, 2009

Back in business

Dear diary,

Bored at work, while browsing through other people's blog, I suddenly recalled that I actually do have a blog on my own. Haven't updated or visited the blog myself since 2005, it seems like a miracle that I could still remember the blog address, my login username and password.

While reading through some of the posts i wrote back then (some of them I couldn't even remember if it was written by me), I realised how much I have changed over the years. So, let's have an overview of what has changed since 2005, and now, 2nd of Jan 2009.

To be honest, I was shocked by my pessimism back in 2005, reading through the lastest post. In fact, I felt so uncomfortable that I decided to delete all the posts on this blog. Having survived the years in London, i have become more independent. I am more courageous now, and sometimes over-brimmed with confidence that convince me that I can do everything I want, within a reasonable constrain. I also recalled that I was a super-fan of Formula 1, while that hasn't changed, the retirement of M. Schumi has someone dimmed my passion for the sports. The discontinued live-telecast of the event by Malaysian TV doesn't help.

Another thing that has changed is, I am back in Malaysia now, and officially a working-class. Student days are over. While the routine working hour of 8 to 6 isn't boring, I am missing the fun of being a student. The 2-hour per day of lecture, the half-work-half-play time with labmates. Ah... Those were the days that I dreamt about being a great scientist, a nobel prize winner, come up with cures to help the poor and needy... But I found out that things are never that easy... Even in one of the most advanced research lab in the world, where I did a 12-month internship in, the red-tapes and bureacracy will always hinder the progress of science... I have to be realistic, and which is why I switch from biochemistry to investment now... The dynamics of the market is fascinating... really... Will talk more about my current job in future post...

Ahh.. I think that's too wordy for a post already. Will stop here.


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